ITO Gyoshu (Takao) -Chief Instructor of Sophia University Calligraphy Club

After 15 years of the pause of activity, Sophia University Calligraphiy Club was miraculously able to reunite.

It was established in 1963, and educated about 200 graduates, including myself.

Now, we have about 10 fresh members.

I often throw new impressions, questions, and findings about Japanese and Chinese calligraphy(Shodo) to the student, and they are able to get inspired through this act.

To begin calligraphy, it is important to achieve skills through professionals in the specific fields of Shodo, thus it is important for people are able to gain genuine works.

In addition, I would also suggest people to acquire knowlegde in calligraphy so they can broardly share their understandings with others in anytime and anywhere.


Sophia University Calligraphy Club
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